Introduction to Data Systems

by Thomas Bressoud and David White


This website is associated with the textbook, Introduction to Data Systems: Building from Python, published by Springer-Nature, and derives from a computer science course in Data Systems developed at Denison University. The textbook and course take the perspective that introductory data systems need only rely on a Python foundation as taught in introductory computer science courses or in short courses on the Python language. With that foundation, the textbook builds data-aptitude through an exploration of the forms of data and of their sources.

Data Forms

Form Coverage
Tabular Tidy data, Delimtted CSV files, pandas
Relational SQL, sqlalchemy, MySQL, SQLite
Hierarchical XML, lxml, XPath, JSON

Data Sources

Source Coverage
Database Servers MySQL
Web Servers HTTP, requests, curl, Web Scraping
API Servers REST, requests, OAuth2
See the textbook preface for more information on the philosophy of the book and options for courses that incorporate the textbook.